“Encourage and Accompany in Hope” is the theme that guides the 44 Vincentians, Provincial Directors of the Daughters of Charity, from all over the world who came to Paris to participate in their Meeting from December 1 to 15, 2024.
It is the time of formation in their mission, in particular to exercise among the Provinces of the Daughters of Charity a Vincentian service of animation and accompaniment in collaboration with the Visitatrix and her Council.
The objectives of this Meeting are:
˗ Continue reflection on the “being” and “doing” of this particular ministry with the Daughters of Charity.
˗ Be attentive to the realities which, as signs of the times, stimulate and push the Provincial Directors to update their service.
˗ Share in fraternal communion the experiences and concerns which constitute challenges to be taken up by the Provincial Directors.