Our spirituality
Servants of Christ in persons who are poor
Following Jesus Christ the Servant, we are totally given to God, in Community, for the service of persons who are poor. Mary is the star guiding us on this path.
With humility, simplicity, compassion
Called by God, we contemplate Jesus Christ as the source and model of all charity, to be witnesses of his love among the poor.
Our life of faith is nourished by prayer, liturgy, the sacraments – especially the Eucharist – listening to the Word of God, the teachings of the Church and our Vincentian heritage.
In prayer, we bear the distress, struggles, hopes and joys of the people whom we meet.
Christ is the source of our love, the flame that kindles our action and drives us to reach out to our poor and unfortunate brothers and sisters. He is the treasure that gives meaning to our lives, the force that gives energy to our plans.

We choose a way of life –
simple and in community
We build community, day after day, through the gift of self, listening and dialogue. We help each other advance together towards the Lord and to be respectful, welcoming and attentive to people – especially those who are excluded and experience insecurity – so as to serve them with compassion, like a sister or brother.
Bearers of joy and hope, we go to the service of those whose dignity is not respected. We are happy to be able to give ourselves totally to God by serving our brothers and sisters, helping them to discover His Presence in their lives.
Our Founders inculcated in us the love and imitation of the Virgin Mary. They invite us to contemplate her as:
the Immaculate One, open to the Spirit
the humble and faithful Servant
the Mother of God, Mother of mercy and hope of the lowly
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Who we are
Servants of persons who are poor who live in Community
Our story
The Company was born imperceptibly, like all things of God
Wherever lives are denied their dignity
Sources of inspiration
Saints and Blessed of the Daughters of Charity and the Vincentian Family