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Proclaim the Gospel by serving those who are poor

We serve them
Wherever they may be
Whatever they may need

We believe that

God awaits us in every person who suffers

In an ever-changing world, the needs of our underprivileged brothers and sisters evolve.

We know that Christ appeals constantly to our Company through our suffering brothers and sisters, through the signs of the times, through the Church. It is up to us to discern people’s real needs and respond to them with clarity, offering services that are constantly adapted and renewed.

Whatever the form of service, we seek to be artisans of justice, solidarity and peace; we recognize that we are often evangelized by the people whom we serve and that they are – in the words of Saint Vincent – “our Lords and Masters.”

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Who we are

Servants of persons who are poor who live in Community


Called by God to a life of prayer and of service to those in need


Wherever lives are denied their dignity

Sources of inspiration

Saints and Blessed of the Daughters of Charity and of the Vincentian Family