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The love of Jesus urges us
to care for those most in need

Daughters of Charity, we are servants of persons who are poor and vulnerable, committed to promoting love and justice in the world.

Since 1633


we have been serving


with passion


in the world



Letter of Pope Francis to Fr. Tomaž Mavrič Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission celebrating the IV centenary of its foundation.

Letter of Pope Francis to Fr. Tomaž Mavrič Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission celebrating the IV centenary of its foundation.

On 17 April 1625, the Little Company of the Congregation of the Mission of St Vincent de Paul was born. In this jubilee year in which the Congregation of the Mission celebrates the fourth centenary of its foundation, Pope Francis addressed a beautiful message to our Superior General Father Thomas Mavric, to all the confreres […]

Communication and evangelization: context, attitudes and experiences. World Jubilee of Communication.

Communication and evangelization: context, attitudes and experiences. World Jubilee of Communication.

Rome, January 22-26, 2025 The Professional Seminar of the School of Church Communications at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross is an international forum held every two years, aimed at communicators from dioceses and other ecclesial entities. In its thirteenth edition, the seminar focused on evangelization as an essential aspect of Church communication, emphasizing […]

The Raoul Follereau Prize to the Province of Madagascar

The Raoul Follereau Prize to the Province of Madagascar

Since 1955, in accordance with the wishes of Raoul and Madeleine Follereau, the ‘Raoul Follereau Prize’ has been awarded every two years to ‘ a doctor or missionary who, through his or her work or example, has played an effective part in the battle against leprosy’. On Thursday 28 November 2024, the prize was awarded […]

Women passionate about
loving and serving…

Called by God to live a life in communion, consistent with the Gospel, through prayer and service.

Christ is the source of our love and our energy. He urges us to put ourselves at the service of our brothers and sisters in precarious situations. We choose a modest, simple lifestyle in community. We support each other and share our life and faith experiences.

To those who suffer, we pass on the joy and hope that we ourselves have received from God, and we seek, with them, to discover the signs of His presence in their lives.

Mary is our teacher of the spiritual life and our model of servanthood. Following her example, we strive to be humble, sisterly and kindhearted with the people whom we meet and serve.







What are you waiting for?