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Message of Sister Françoise Petit to the Vincentian Marian Youth (Santiago de Compostela)



Italy-Spain Formative Session

Italy-Spain Formative Session

In September, the young Sisters without vows from Spain and Italy and those from the interprovincial Seminary had the opportunity to attend a formation meeting in Madrid that started on the 3rd and ended on the 22nd. The formation course was aimed to deepen the identity of the Daughter of Charity and the journey each […]

“Take off your shoes, this is holy ground.”

“Take off your shoes, this is holy ground.”

These words mark our mission in Marrakech. Take off your shoes, go carefully towards the other. We meet people who have lost not only a house, but also children, parents… this is sacred ground because this is where the Lord is. We have to enter quietly, little by little, without pushing and shoving, so as […]

Economy at the Service of the Charism and Mission

Economy at the Service of the Charism and Mission

We will only be able to recognize the places where the most vulnerable are silenced and life is extinguished if we are able to live with our eyes open. And it is there that we will be able to discover God, present in the Daughters of Charity who are always attentive to their neighbor and […]