The Vincentian month is over! It was a bit sad to part from each other after the encounters, the liturgies celebrated, the moments of joyful and lively fraternal life, and the visit to so many places dear to our Company which called to mind that everything was conceived for the service of those in poverty situation. To have been able to share our different missions opened our hearts and our prayer became more intense for our Sisters living in countries where war, division, injustice, lack of freedom, rejection of Christians etc. reign. We must listen to the various testimonies in order to realize in a deeper way that communities live in fear, in the anxiety of tomorrow but what courage and what faith!

However, joy and hope were palpable because we told ourselves that our life belongs to Christ and to persons who are poor and we know that “Jesus will be with us until the end of time” (cf. Mt 28,20). Despite our poverty (lack of vocation, especially) and our fragility, the intuition of Saint Vincent and Saint Louise lives on and remains in the Vincentian charism.