How can we continue our Mission after so many years of war, which is not yet over? Suffering, economic crisis, high cost of living, pandemic… We are 3 Sisters at the service of the population that the Lord sends to us.

Our House in Damascus has not closed its doors even during the hardest times: a hostel welcomes 40 university students, Christians and Muslims, who come from distant regions and who live together fraternally… Meetings for the promotion of women are given regularly to women refugees we have welcomed with their children. In collaboration with the Vincentian family, we accompany several movements of young people (VMY and others) and adults. Our school which has 650 students, 10% of whom are Muslims, has not forgotten divine protection following several explosives received while the children were in class. We try to help the families of students as much as possible by upholding the dignity of those wounded by life and war.
We are very grateful for the sharing and the encouragement of the Company, the Province, and the help of Associations and benefactors. In all our works, our first concern is the promotion of people on human, educational, moral and spiritual levels. May God help us to live our mission in faith and to be signs of Peace and Hope!