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Sparks Of Love

The Daughters of Charity of the Philippines – Papua New Guinea Mission, feel privileged even with the “sparks” of opportunities to serve those in need in this time of the pandemic and they share with us this presentation of how they got  involved for the FRONTLINERS who put their lives at risk …


Celebrating 25 years!

Celebrating 25 years!

Seventeen schools, colleges and a university in the Philippines, members of the Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES), gathered in Concordia College, Manila last November 11-13 to celebrate God’s faithfulness and providence! Sisters, lay mission partners and learners united to give praise to God for the 25 years of being of one […]

Blessing of the International Vincentian Marian Youth Offices

Blessing of the International Vincentian Marian Youth Offices

The new offices of the International Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY) and National Councils were blessed on 18 December 2022 by Father Gregorio Bañaga, CM, the new Vicar-General of the Congregation of the Mission. Both offices are situated in the Marian Center which stands significantly beside the parish of St. Vincent de Paul, one of the […]

June’s Triple Blessing

June’s Triple Blessing

The Province of St. Louise de Marillac – Asia awaited with joy the month of June as it anticipated abundant blessings, three of which came in “rainbow colors.” May 31 ushered the month of June with the designation of Sr. Maria Ana Rosario G. EVIDENTE as Visitatrix for another 3 years. Amid the political, economic, […]