With our hearts still filled with the joy of the Risen Lord, we, the members of the international website team are holding our annual meeting from April 21 to 24 at the Mother House in Paris, with a member participating by videoconference.

This year’s meeting has for its purposes:
- the evaluation of the website’s role during the General Assembly,
- the planning of activities for the succeeding months,
- the review of the website from the technical and organizational point of view, so that it might increasingly be a better, creative and functional means of communication for the Daughters of Charity, the Vincentian Family, the Church and the people who live in poverty.
Our meeting begun with a prayer to the Father, giver of all good, to express our gratitude for the work done during these past years and to implore wisdom, assistance and every grace in order that our future plans may be done for His glory and for the good of those who are poor.
We specially praise God for making us instruments of connection, allowing Sisters in the five continents to participate, for the first time, in almost all that was happening in the Motherhouse during the General Assembly, thanks to the videos, the testimonies, the speakers’ written sharing, etc. There were some technical breakdowns but these were surmounted in serenity and respect. The availability and the assistance of all persons in the Motherhouse, from Sr. Françoise PETIT, our Superioress General to those in the kitchen and the maintenance, were gifts that made our mission during the General Assembly a beautiful experience.
We take this opportunity to thank Sister Maria Teresa MUEDA, the previous General Councillor who accompanied us for the last six years, and we welcome with joy Sister Hanna CYBULA, the General Councillor who will be our companion in this journey. We look forward to a closer and loving relationship among us as we endeavour, as Daughters of Charity, to spread the message God’s love and mercy through our international website.