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People with some dependency

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.

(Jn 10:10)

Recovering hope

Nowadays, the expectations and exigencies of having a life corresponding to the models presented by our society are leading people to become insecure, anguished and frustrated. To overcome this suffering and forget their pain, some people turn to drugs and alcohol, thus destroying their lives and their families.

Faithful to the Gospel and their charism, the Daughters of Charity serve people with addictions who are seeking to recuperate their trust in themselves by helping them to find a balance in their lives. This ministry is specialized and needs competent people with the right temperament, so the Daughters collaborate with specialists in order to offer spiritual guidance and psychological orientation.

Some of our sisters work in:

  • Rehabilitation Centers for people who suffer from  various addiction, especially drug addiction
  • Alcoholics Anonymous

In concrete terms

Today we serve as follows



Promotion of women



People with some dependency

Promotion of women
