The meeting of the provincial treasurers of the Company of the Daughters of Charity was held at the Mother House in Paris from 4 to 17 November 2024. It was an event rich in exchange and reflection on the administration of goods in the service of the mission. The first week was devoted to deepening the orientations of the Church and the Society on the management of goods. Sister Françoise PETIT inaugurated the meeting by shedding light on the role of the Provincial Treasurer in the light of the charism. Cardinal João BRAZ DE AVIZ then highlighted how the economy can become a tool of the service of the evangelical mission. The presentations then focused on the commitments linked to the vow of poverty, synodality and the values of good administration according to the Founders.
The second week of the meeting was devoted to the technical aspects of the Bursar’s mission. This time provided an opportunity to look in greater depth at essential topics for effective administration. For three days, the participants reflected on accounting, budgeting and the importance of inventories. One day was devoted to finance, followed by another to reflect on the development of projects and the resources available to fund them.
The participants took the time to reread and integrate these guidelines to administer better the Company’s assets. The rich and in-depth discussions enhanced their understanding of how resource management can align with the Company’s mission to meet today’s challenges. The meeting strengthened the commitment of the Treasurers to manage their assets with discernment and creativity, always at the service of the poorest.