The 34th Vincentian Youth Festival took place from June 24-27 at the Centrum Edukacyjne Radosna Nowina 2000 in Piekary, Poland. This year’s festival theme was: “I have called you by name”(Is 43:1). The Festival is a gathering of young people belonging not only to the Vincentian Family but also to its supporters; there were more than 300 participants from all over the country. As in previous years, the event was attended by Sisters and youth from the Province of Warsaw. Sr. Agnieszka, Visitatrix of the Province of Warsaw, was the guest of honor.
The festival was filled with rich encounters, sharing of faith and experiences; a wide range of workshops was enjoyed that included exploring the Word of God, movement exercises and getting to know oneself. There were also concerts and conferences.
However, the highlight of each day was the encounter with the Living God during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the Holy Eucharist; priests were present to give confessions and be available for individual conversations. The closing Eucharist was presided over by the Visitor of the Polish Congregation of the Mission, Fr. Paul.
During the annual festival, a song competition is launched and a winner chosen; this year’s champion was a music group from Pabianice. The Vincentian Prize was also awarded.
All participants gratefully recall these moments full of joy, the experience of community as well as the encounter with the mystery of God among His people, who calls everyone and each one by name.