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Meeting of Young Sisters (Province of Mozambique)


The General Meeting of the Daughters of Charity (Young Sisters) was held in Maputo at their Provincial House in Matola on 9-18 January 2023. This was attended by 12 young Sisters and began at 08:15 pm in the conference hall, with the presence of the Sister responsible for young Sisters. Several facilitators animated various themes: the Daughters of Charity after mission-sending touched on how important it is to value our vocation, topics apart from those we learned in the Seminary were further developed, the unifying role of a life of prayer, community and service was emphasized as well as being firm, creating solid foundations and having a sense of belonging. We need to be always closely united to God, to participate actively in the mission and to strive for our human and spiritual growth.

We also saw the value of responsibility and maturity in Community life. The facilitator emphasized in greater detail the responsibility that we must have in the small tasks that are entrusted to us in Community and carry them out with great maturity.

Throughout this period of formation we had several personal and group reflections, which aimed to deepen and revitalize Community life and to remember our belonging to the Company.

We had several discussions and, in the end, made the conclusion that indeed we must be s to the mindful of the action of the Holy Spirit, open to learn something new, leave aside prejudices and recognize that each one has something to teach, keeping in mind that Christ is always at the center. With the eyes of faith, we must also learn to recognize in our Sisters the first poor person.

Since the Eucharist is one of the fundamental sacraments of Christian life, the center and nourishment that strengthens the vocation of the Daughter of Charity, we had the grace of creatively preparing for it and celebrating it every day with much devotion and adoration. The homilies of the priests who presided the daily celebration of the Eucharist motivated and encouraged us deeply in our faith in Christ Jesus.

The Visitatrix graced the last day of the meeting with her presence. We were encouraged and given renewed strength to serve well and announce God’s presence among those with whom we share life: our Sisters in community and persons living in poverty situations.

A Eucharist that we deeply appreciated closed the General Meeting.

The Young Sisters


DREAM meeting in Maputo, Mozambique

DREAM meeting in Maputo, Mozambique

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