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The Joy of Meeting with the First Lady of the Republic of Poland

June 26, 2020

The Daughters of Charity of the Warsaw Province, Poland, had the incredible joy of meeting the First Lady of the Republic of Poland. Mrs. Agata Kornhauser-Duda arrived in the afternoon of June 9, 2020 at the Provincial House. Safety precautions were taken for this meeting; everyone wore face masks.

The First Lady was welcomed in front of the main entrance by the Visitatrix, the Superior of the Province, together with the Provincial Director, the Chaplain of the Provincial House, the Sisters and the employees. After the greetings, everyone went to the chapel where the Chaplain led the prayer of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.

The First Lady then met with the Sisters and Priests where she had the opportunity to listen to the short history of the Province and to see the exhibits presenting its various services. It was an occasion for the Sisters to ask the First Lady to share about her role. In the conversation, the First Lady thanked the Sisters for their contribution to the service of those who are in need and for their dedication; she expressed her gratitude to the Sisters for caring for those who suffer during this difficult period of the pandemic and for their generous availability as they volunteered in the hospital and nursing homes where there was a shortage of personnel. The meeting was short but very cordial. The Sisters were most gratified by what she said; everyone had the impression that meeting people was most important for the First Lady.

Mrs Agata Kornhauser-Duda also met with the sick and elderly Sisters. She toured the Memorial Room of the Company and signed in the Memorial Book. The First Lady visited the children’s centre run by the Sisters. May God be glorified for the gift of this meeting!

sr Elżbieta,
Province of Warsaw, Poland